Exercise Selection Monday and Thursday - Tuesday and Friday

Exercise Selection

Monday and Thursday

Chest Exercises:
Arnold Schwarzenegger Performing Dumbbell Chest Flyes
Flat Barbell Bench Press / Incline Barbell Bench Press / Dips / Chest Flyes / Dumbbell Pullovers
Back Exercises:
Pullups / Chinups / Bent Rows / T-Bar Rows / Deadlifts

Tuesday and Friday

Shoulder Exercises:
Military Press / Behind the Neck Press / Dumbbell Overhead Press (Arnold/Scott Press) / Front Dumbbell Raises / Side Dumbbell Raises
Biceps Exercises:
Barbell Curls / Dumbbell Curls / Incline Dumbbell Curls / Concentration Curls
Triceps Exercises:
Standing French Press / Skullcrushers / Close Grip Bench Press / Cable Pulldowns / Cable Pushdowns


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