Wednesday and Saturday

Wednesday and Saturday

Mike Mentzer had perfect aesthetics and admitted he built his body with High-Volume training.
Leg Exercises:
Squats / Hack Squats / Leg Press / Leg Extensions / Leg Curls

Daily or as Needed

Abdominal Exercises:
Situps / Rope Crunches
Calf Exercises:
Standing Calf Raises / Donkey Calf Raises / Seated Calf Raises
Forearm Exercises:
Seated Barbell Wrist Curls/ Reverse Barbell Wrist Curls / Behind the Back Barbell Wrist Curls / Hammer Curls / Reverse Barbell Curls
Neck exercises:
Wrestlers Bridges / Neck Curls / Neck Harness Curls


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