Tuesday and Friday

Tuesday and Friday:

Arnold Schwarzenegger with a very sexy girl.
Behind the Neck Barbell Press – 5 sets / 5-12 reps per set
Arnold/Scott Press – 5 Sets / 8-12 reps per set
Lateral Dummbell Raises – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set
Barbell Curls – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set
Incline Dumbbell Curls – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set
Concentration Curls – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set
Close Grip Bench Press – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set
Standing French Press – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set
Cable or Rope Pushdowns/Pulldowns – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set

The Trapezius muscles (traps) are the muscle connecting the neck and the shoulders. Some trainers traps may need some additional work. For a man with narrow clavicles it is generally
advisable to avoid trap work. For a man with wide clavicles trap work is usually necessary.
Trapezius exercises:
Barbell Shrugs / Dumbbell Shrugs / Farmers Walks
Notes: Always start this day with the Barbell Shoulders Presses. Those with shoulder problems can substitute the Behind the Neck Barbell Press with Standing Military Press (Barbell Presses to the front). The rep scheme should fall between 5-12 reps with 8 being the ideal. Start the Barbell Press with light weight and move up in weight with each set until you are hitting about 5 reps.  The Arnold/Scott Press and the Lateral DB Raises should be performed with 8-12 reps per set.
The Biceps and Triceps exercises should be performed with 8-12 reps per set. Heavier weight does not need to be used with each set.
To save time and get an insane pump the Biceps and Triceps exercises can be supersetted. To do that you will do one exercise of Biceps immediately followed by one Tricpes exercises until all sets and exercises are completed.
Example Biceps/Triceps Superset Routine:
Standing Barbell Curls superset with Close Grip Bench Press – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set
Incline Dumbbell Curls superset with Standing French Press – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set
Concentration Curls superset with Rope Pulldowns – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set


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