Monday and Thursday

Monday and Thursday:

Sergio Oliva – The Victory Pose
Flat Barbell Bench Press – 5 sets / 1-12 reps per set
Incline Bench Press – 5 Sets / 5-12 reps per set
Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes – 5 Sets / 8-12 reps per set

Chinups – As many sets as it takes to complete 50 Chinups
Bent Rows – 5 Sets / 8-12 reps per set
T-Bar Rows – 5 Sets / 8-12 reps per set
Notes: The rep scheme should fall between 5-12 reps per set, depending on how heavy the weight is, with 8 reps being ideal. You will start with lightweight and move up in weight with each set
 Always start this day with Flat Barbell Bench Press. You will do 5 total sets. Each set you will go up in weight 10, 15, or 20 lbs depending on strength level. You will want to end this exercise as heavy as possible, even with only 1 or 2 reps. This will “activate” your strength and allow you to lift heavier in all your next exercises.
A favorite of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s was to combine Chest and Back exercises into a superset. That means doing two exercises in a row without stopping. For example: he would do a set of Flat Barbell Bench Press and then immediately do a set of Chinups without rest. Arnold would continue like that until all 5 sets were finished.
Supersetting Chest and Back is an excellent way to build muscle, sweat out toxins and burn bodyfat because it’s very hard work.
Example Chest/Back Superset Routine:
Flat Barbell Bench Press superset with Chinups – 5 sets / 5-12 reps per set of Bench Press, as many chinups as possible per set
Incline Barbell Bench Press superset with Barbell Bent Rows – 5 sets / 5-12 reps per set
Chest Dumbbell Flyes superset with T-Bar Rows – 5 sets / 8-12 reps per set


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